Elementary Working Group

D.C. Area Educators for Social Justice has launched a working group for D.C. area elementary (3rd-5th grade) educators.

The goals of the working group are to:

  1. Act as a space for collaboration and lesson planning together

  2. Facilitate a space for teachers to share best practice for social justice and anti-racist pedagogy

  3. Innovate and create projects to get published, create projects and plans that lead to action to address injustice

The Elementary working group brings together individual pedagogies to form a collective practice of learning and teaching. They co-create their shared language and definitions and build plans and take actionable steps to address injustice. They are cultivating a space for joyful, creative experiences as educators. 

The group meets monthly on weekday afternoons.

If you are interested, please fill out the application. For more information, write to D.C. Area Educators for Social Justice.


Many sessions are described below, starting with the most recent session and working back.