Exploring the Collective Power of the Civil Rights Movement

Elementary and Secondary Working Group Meeting

December 10, 2022

The elementary and secondary working groups met at Friends Place on Capitol Hill for their December meeting. Their topic was on the radical work of Martin Luther King Jr. and the many activists and organizers of the Civil Rights Movement. After a Kahoot grounding attendees in a few of the organizers with whom MLK associated, the groups walked through a multi-day unit with resources for learning about King developed by working group co-leader Raphael Bonhomme. The group built on one of the messages of the multi-day unit: movements are powered by many people, not just one leader. They expanded on this idea by creating a resource for students to learn about the team of organizers and activists that were instrumental in  the Civil Rights Movement, including the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. 



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