Springing Into Social Action: March Working Group Events

DCAESJ Working Group Meeting - All Groups

March 2023

In lieu of a formal meeting during the month of March, all working group members were encouraged to attend and/or participate in annual events from a few of our partner organizations. 

On Saturday, March 18th, EmpowerEd DC held a Teacher Solutions Summit at Open Gov Hub. The agenda for the day was packed with a variety of ways to engage. Educators presented posters on their experiences with deskless classrooms and outdoor learning. There were concurrent sessions on topics like envisioning police-free schools, educator wellness, and D.C.’s draft social studies standards. Watch the playlist of workshops.

D.C. History Conference

The following weekend, the 49th annual D.C. History Conference convened at the MLK Jr. Memorial Library. The conference kicked off with Thursday evening’s Letitia Woods Brown Memorial lecture from Dr. Tamika Nunley. The following Friday and Saturday saw dozens of workshops, panels, and discussions about a wide array of topics related to D.C. history and the present. Check out DCAESJ upper elementary working group co-leader Raphael Bonhomme co-facilitating a session with EmpowerEd DC’s Señorita Lake!


Earth Day Collaboration


Black Lives Matter at School Marketplace of Knowledge at Bruce-Monroe ES