Fugitive Pedagogy and Brown v. Board Lessons
On Saturday, April 17th, the DCAESJ People’s History Curriculum Working Group met to reflect on fugitive pedagogy, try out a new lesson on Brown v. Board, and to foster community care.
Exploring Voting Rights in DC, the Haudenosaunee Influence on U.S. Democracy, and 2020 in History Books
Tiffany Mitchell Patterson opened the session, welcoming newcomers, and noting ”It is so important to be in community with each other. I hope everyone can use this time to find inspiration and motivation for the upcoming weeks.” She engaged everyone in a spirited round of people’s history Kahoot. The last question acknowledged the vital role of everyone in the sessions: Which group of people work the hardest and contribute the most to a just future for this country? (a) Politicians (b) Corporate executives (c) City planners (d) Classroom teachers.