D.C. Area Educators for Social Justice

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Teaching Truth: Visioning and Purpose-Setting Retreat

Middle and High School People’s History Working Group

August 21, 2021

To plan for the year ahead, the group members engaged in an in-person, half-day retreat! Working group members got reacquainted with a get to know you bingo, and were introduced to new staff members at Teaching for Change. Because of the McCarthy era like harassment of teachers who pledge to teach the truth, Education Anew Fellow Kimberly Ellis and Teaching for Change associate director Keesha Ceran co-facilitated the Subversives Mixer activity. The group spent time workshopping and editing the language of their group’s purpose. The group also did some visioning about what collective practices are missing, which ones are “nice to have,” and which ones they “must have.” The group closed out by drafting and sharing statements of purpose as social justice educators for the upcoming school year.