D.C. Area Educators for Social Justice

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Teaching D.C. Statehood

Elementary and Secondary Working Group Meeting

February 18, 2023

The focus of February’s meeting was a documentary film screening and discussion about D.C. statehood. After checking in with group members who Zoomed into the meeting, working group facilitators laid the foundation for the topic of discussion by asking how educators have taught about D.C. statehood in the past or how they envision or want to teach about it.

DCAESJ early childhood educator Nadine Foty has been working with a filmmaking team at Marigold Productions on The Last Battlefront. The production company’s founder, Anna Jihrad, joined the Zoom-based meeting for the film screening, feedback, and discussion. Working group members received secure access to the film to screen with their classes. Some also volunteered to work with Jihrad and her team in developing teaching materials to go alongside the film. Hannah and Raphael developed an Indigenous DMV Article Lesson designed for upper elementary school students.