Bio Boards and Lessons on Palestine

Anti-Bias Early Childhood Working Group Meeting

March 26, 2022

The anti-bias early childhood education group spent time working on their virtual Bio board project. While group members, old and new, make a concerted effort to connect during these monthly meetings, there just never seems enough time to get to know everyone. Working group members were encouraged to create their own slide(s)with images and information about themselves to help everyone better know some of the essentials of other working group members. From there, Nadine Foty led the group in a discussion and resource share about Palestine and the importance of introducing and teaching about Palestinian early childhood.

Working group members shared:

Nadine’s lesson was phenomenal. I learned so much.

Nadine’s presentation was powerful. It is so important to hear passionate, first-person stories.

Really appreciated Nadine’s presentation, both the teacher aspects and the personal aspects of it.


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