2015 Food Justice Youth Summit
By Jill Weiler
Our 11th grade FOOD JUSTICE EXPEDITION is an interdisciplinary three-part study (past, present and future) of the impact of food on our community–both locally and globally.
The expedition begins with an exploration of our students’ families’ cultural connections to foods; as 99% of our students come from African American and immigrant families, we discuss the significant role of food in dictating cultural identity.
Student led-workshop about treatment of animals in factory farms. April 10, 2015.
Secondly, we transition to examining today’s food sources, what happens to food on contemporary farms and how food gets to our tables.
The third and final component engages students in evaluating how individual and policy-level decisions impact the future of our world. After gaining an in-depth understanding of why our food system is broken, students determine alternative paths that ensure healthy, sustainable, affordable food for all.
Student-led panel on food deserts. April 10, 2015.
Students shared their findings on this third component at a Food Justice Youth Summit at Bread for the City on April 7, 2016. (Read about the 2014 Food Justice Youth Summit.)
Guiding Questions
How does what I eat reflect who I am?
Where does our food come from?
What food choices must we make to secure our future?