Author Visit Kicks Off Teach Central America Week at Roosevelt High School


Roosevelt Senior High School (DCPS) kicked off Teach Central America Week 2022 with a visit from An Open Book Foundation and Shout Mouse Press.

A few dozen students from Roosevelt’s International Academy, which includes many students who are newcomers to the United States from Central America, met in the library/media center to hear from Santos, one of the contributing authors of Voces Sin Fronteras: Our Stories, Our Truth. She and Alexa Patrick, program director at Shout Mouse Press, engaged in dialogue about the book and what impact is has. 

They answered questions, including: 

  • How does this book create windows, mirrors, and doors into other peoples’ experiences?

  • What kind of art do you practice?

  • Why was it written in two languages?

After the conversation, Santos signed copies of the book for students.


Indigenous History, Systems Thinking, and Resource Sharing


¡Presente!: DCAESJ Working Groups View Exhibit and Plan for Teaching About Central America