Art as Empathy: An Early Childhood Educator’s Reflection and Application
By Makai Kellogg
During this session, Rapoport led participants in an activity where we thought about our favorite place and associated a color with it. We then added feeling words, more colors, and sensory experiences connected to the place.
Demanding They Be Heard: MacFarland Middle School Students Take Up BLM at School Guiding Principles and Demands
By Kimberly Ellis
At MacFarland Middle School (DCPS), Melanie Holmes’ students spent the week contemplating how to ensure all Black lives matter at their school.
"We Are Here": High Schoolers Write and Review the LGBTQ+ Books They Want to Read
By Tiferet Ani
This Fall I taught an LGBTQ+ Studies elective for high school students. It was being piloted for the first time. Students and teachers collaborated to develop the course outline and unit projects.
Virtual Curriculum Fair: Black Lives Matter at School 2022
On Saturday, January 22, 2022 Teaching for Change hosted a virtual curriculum fair featuring workshops, a keynote speaker, and time for educators to learn more about the Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action, taking place January 31-February 4, 2022.
2021 D.C. Area Black Lives Matter at School Virtual Curriculum Fair
The D.C. Area Black Lives Matter at School Curriculum Fair, hosted by Teaching for Change and the Howard University School of Education, was held virtually on Saturday, December 11 from 10am - noon ET.
Everyday People: 7th Graders Step into Selma
By Kimberly Ellis
“The Civil Rights Movement was made up of everyday people choosing to do difficult things.” Lesley Younge, an English teacher at Maret School, opened her 7th grade English class with this statement.
More Than Music: Go-Go As A Mobilization Tool
By Kimberly Ellis
As a native Washingtonian, Beth Sewell, an Independence and Learning Support teacher at Calvin Coolidge Senior High School (DCPS), has been surrounded by go-go music her entire life.
Go-Go is Inside: Pre-K Students Learn About Go-Go Music
By Kimberly Ellis
On August 17, 2021, DC educators joined the virtual workshop “Think Local, Crank Global” hosted by Teaching for Change’s Teach the Beat program and the DC Public School Office of Teaching and Learning, Music, and Arts.
Easter Monday at the National Zoo
By Kimberly Ellis
In 2017, students in Dr. Dianna Hall’s 12th-grade U.S. Government and African American History classes at Phelps ACE High School (DCPS) explored the historical and cultural significance of the Monday after the Easter holiday, known colloquially as Easter Monday, to Black Washingtonians.
Think Local, Crank Global: Summer 2021 Go-Go Workshop for Educators
By Lila Chafe
On Tuesday, August 17, DC educators joined the virtual workshop “Think Local, Crank Global” hosted by Teaching for Change’s Teach the Beat program and the DC Public School Office of Teaching and Learning, Music, and Arts.
Working in DC: Something To Point To
Virtual Workshops and Theatre Performance Will Bring Labor Issues into D.C. Classrooms. Middle and high school students in D.C. public and public charter schools can participate in a one-hour virtual workshop aligned to the themes of Working: A Musical.
Decolonizing the Curriculum: Summer Series
Teaching for Change and the Washington Teachers’ Union and Teaching for Change hosted a Decolonizing the Curriculum summer series July 27-August 12, 2021. This six-session series featured presentations disrupting the master narrative in classroom curriculum by providing hands-on strategies with lessons to be used in-person and virtually.
Think Local, Crank Global: Go-Go Workshop for Educators
Join Teaching for Change’s Teach the Beat and DC Public Schools Office of Teaching and Learning for a go-go professional development experience featuring The Uncle Devin Show®!