D.C. Area Educators for Social Justice

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Kicking Off the School Year with Connection and Hope

Anti-Bias Early Childhood Working Group Meeting

October 22, 2022

The early childhood working group formally met for the first time this school year in October, and their focus was on community building. While there were a number of folks in attendance at the meeting that have been with the group since its inception, there are also folks who are new to DCAESJ in general, or who recently plugged into this particular working group. To become (re)acquainted, the members participated in a Story Fortunes activity where they spent a few minutes in breakout rooms responding to get to know you questions based on the corresponding breakout room number. There was also a whole group check in for folks to share any updates, talk about challenging or rewarding experience of the school year thus far, and what they’re hopeful for during the remainder of the school year.

Participants shared:

There are so many wonderful folks in this group.  I was inspired by the dedication and the insights. Also struck by how much we need to support teachers at this time. Feels so critical.

Just really happy to be part of this group. Thank you!

Thank you for your continued work and for keeping our hopes alive.